Sunday, March 10, 2013

Which Look?

I was going around Stardoll, and I was looking at other people's looks.
I was wondering, what all you guys' think looks best?
Remember, we all have different tastes *:

(You're also judging my photography)

This is including the outfit, AND the hair/makeup


Here Are The Options:


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gorgeous Wig~!

This is the hairstyle I will be creating on Stardesign Hair. Pictures once im finished!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Letting Your Friends On Your Account

I would like to thank my best friend, for making my MeDoll look so attractive, that your eyes just sizzle right out of your skull at the pure perfectness.

If you're curious- The nose is legit, under the mouth.

If you guys want, I can do a tutorial for this (:

We're Back!

Hello! I'm really sorry I shut down this blog, It was really nice posting here!


I am back now- And looking for new writers. If you're interested in writing for us, just write in my guestbook (:- My stardoll username is ASB10, if anyone's forgotten.

Aha. Well, I hope you missed our posts as much as we missed posting them!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We are officially shut down.

You can visit my personal blog at

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm Leaving...

Hey guys, it's Kiah.
I'm leaving. Sorry about the surprise, but I really don't want to write in blogs anymore. Thanks for understanding.
Good bye everyone.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Internet Memes; JUST STFU!

Okay, there are so many people that are now using internet memes to talk in their daily life. Yes, it's funny when you use it in the right place at the right time, but when you over-use it, everyone else is like, STFU.
Some of these over-used memes (you may not even know it was a meme, but it is) are:
One Does Not Simply...
Me Gusta...
Gotta ________ ALL the ________(ex: Gotta eat ALL the cereal)
The Willy Wonka One (ex: So you like Kellin Quinn? Do Tell Me How Many Sleeping With Sirens songs you know)
Yes, you probably know a lot more, but those are just a few. So, yeah. You can use them when the time is right, but just dont over use them. It makes me want to kill you.
